Author Topic: Robot Jokes from Wicked Uncle  (Read 582 times)

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Offline Keith and Jen

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Robot Jokes from Wicked Uncle
« on: November 13, 2019, 12:59. »
Knock, knock! Who's there? Art. Art who? R2D2.

What do robots eat as snacks? Micro-chips.

What is R2D2 short for? Because he has little legs.

I bought a Dalek egg timer recently. After three minutes, it shouts "Eggs

What do you call a pirate robot? Arrrrr2-D2.

Why did the droid cross the road? Because it was programmed by a chicken.

A robot walks into a bar. "What can I get you?" the bartender asks. "I need
something to loosen up," the robot replies. So the bartender serves him a

Experience is what you get just after you need it.